Noctuidae - Acontiinae




Tarache arida (Smith)

Acontia arida Smith, 1900, Trans. Amer. Ent. Soc., 27:73.

Diagnosis: Tarache arida is a pretty and easily identified species from the southwestern United States. The base of the forewing is a large triangular white area with a series of gray blotches of variable development near the base of the wing. The costa is white, but interrupted near the reniform by a rectangular, gray patch. There is a large gray-brown patch following the triangular basal patch, with a marked constriction in the middle. The subterminal region is white, but heavily suffused with yellow. This subterminal region is interrupted on the costa by reddish brown. The upper third of the fringe is rusty brown and is followed by a large white patch, ending on the inner margin with a grayish, round patch. The hindwing is heavily suffused with brown. Forewing expanse from base to apex wing expanse 9mm.

Distribution: (Range based only on USNM specimens) Tarache arida is primarily a species of the southeastern United States. It occurs through most of Arizona except for the northeastern parts of the state. The species also occurs in southern California, southern Nevada, Utah. A single specimen from Colorado has been examined. The flight period stretches from March to June.

Identification Quality: Excellent

Larva: Unknown

Foodplants: Unknown

Distribution map based on specimens in the USNM

Tarache arida

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