Noctuidae - Acontiinae




Tarache lactipennis Harvey

Tarache lactipennis Harvey, 1875, Canad. Ent, 7:135.

Diagnosis: Tarache lactipennis is readily recognizable. The basal area of the wing is triangular, brown (but with lighter base) and contrasts with the white median area. The thorax is all violet-brown. The median area is all white and triangular, bordered on the outside by a broad, slanting, brown postmedial region. The interior of this postmedial band has a hightly dentate white line. A weak yellow band slants inward from the outer margin to the position of the reniform, although the reniform is vague to absent. The hindwing is white except for a gray apex. The female is similar to the male.  Forewing expanse from base to apex in one selected individual 13 mm.

Distribution: (Based only on specimens in the USNM). This species occurs in eastern and central Texas, northward into Nebraska.

Adults have been collected in April, May, June, as well as August and September.

Identification Quality: Excellent

Larva: Unknown

Foodplants: Unknown

Distribution map based on specimens in the USNM
Tarache lactipennis

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