Noctuidae - Psaphidinae - Nocloini - New Genus 3

Nocloini New Genus 3 new species 1

Nocloini New Genus 3

Nocloini New Genus 3 contains two known species; New Genus 3 torniplaga Barnes and McDunnough, and New Genus 3 new species 1. The most distinctive morphological features of both species are:

1) The shape of the frontal process of the head. The frontal process is easily visible and is a large, triangular projection with rounded edges. The flat edge of the process is on the ventral side.

2) The vesica of the male genitalia has an ovate base with heavy tooth-like cornuti and a myriad of spinule-like cornuti at the very base of the vesica. The bulbous base of the vesica is followed by a long tail, although these two portions of the vesica are not distinctly separated.

3) The valve of the male genitalia is elongate, triangular and the valve apex is pointed. The clasper is reduced to a minute bump.

4) The ductus bursae of the female genitalia lacks the denticulate ridges of Paramiana. A large, curved, triangular sclerotization is present along one margin of ductus bursae and continued as a tail to the junction with the corpus bursae,

5) The corpus bursae is ovate-triangular, slanted downward from left to right from a ventral view. The corpus bursae lacks an internal bulla-shaped signum and the appendix bursae is not a distinct appendage of the corpus bursae.

The larvae and its foodplants are unknown.

Included Species

Nocloini New Genus 3 torniplaga

Nocloini New Genus 3 new species 1