Noctuidae - Psaphidinae - Nocloini




Nocloini New Genus 3 New Species 1

Diagnosis: Nocloini New Genus 3 new species 1 is large, dark brown, and very obscure. It might be mistaken for a large specimen of Paramiana smaragdina Neumoegen without the green scales on the forewing. However its much larger size and the absence of green scaling will immediately separate the two as will the presence of the triangular frontal process in Nocloini New Genus 3 new species 1. Wing length: mean = 14.91 mm, standard deviation = 0.89 mm, n = 10.

Adults have been collected in July and August.

Distribution: This species is so far known only from the Huachuca, Santa Rita, and Chiricahua Mountains of southeastern Arizona and a single specimen from the Mogollon Rim region. There is a single specimen labeled "Hill Gulch, Colo." but I have serious doubts about the validity of the locality. There are too few specimens to make any realistic comments on variability.

Identification Quality: Excellent

Larva: Unknown

Foodplants: Unknown

Nocloini New Genus 3 new species 1

This species might be mistaken for a large specimen of Paramiana smaragdina without the green scales on the forewing. However its much larger size and the absence of green scaling will immediately separate the two as will the presence of the triangular frontal process in New Genus 3 new species 1.

Similar Species

Paramiana smaragdina